At Westminster, we believe in supporting and investing in youth ministry. Our group meets the 2 & 4 Sunday of each month in our own dedicated space throughout the year. We are an active and flexible group with members from Grade 6 - Grade 12. Our goal is to create a safe place to share our stories, discover faith, build community, eat together and have some fun! We also meet several times a year for special events. There are also opportunities to participate in the wider United Church of Canada, including regional and national events like Rendezvous
To get involved please contact Pam.
Email: Phone: (519) 939-0446
What We Are About
We enjoy meeting both virtually and in-person for social events. Getting together to play games, learn new skills, or just to hang out. Some of our past events include messy church, Worshiplude, game nights, movie nights, campfires and cooking nights.
Future Meetings:
Our focus this year is to help make our Westminster community more inclusive and welcoming to all , especially LGBTQ2S+ .
All are welcome. Join us if you’d like to be part of the conversation!
We welcome anyone and everyone to join our inclusive youth group. Come just as you are. We are striving to bring more interfaith programs to our community.
Future Events:
Our youth group likes to stay involved serving in the local community and beyond. Some past events include fundraising for the “Love my Neighbour” UNICEF vaccine fundraiser and most recently we did a local garbage clean up.
If you would like to get involved with volunteering at Sunday school please let us know.
Future Events: