The Westminster Garden: food for body and soul

Westminster United Church is transforming its lawn into food and pollinator gardens as a way of addressing the climate crisis, food insecurity and injustice, and the need for community and connection.

We made the news! Check out the story here

We have big plans to transform our green space. We are committed to these goals - the Westminster green space will

·       be beautiful

·       feed people’s bodies and replenish their souls

·       be accessible to all ages, all abilities, people who are food insecure

·       [re]connect people with the earth

·       be a place to learn to grow food

·       include a no-mow recreation space

·       be an example of various ways to grow food

·       lower Westminster’s carbon footprint significantly

·       contribute to the Dufferin County climate action plan

·       foster and create community connections amongst individuals and organisations

·       address food insecurity in our community by providing food for grazing and contributing to Westminster’s food justice


Join us!

Sign up for a garden work day!

Contact the Garden Team: or call the Westminster office 519-941-0381

Sign up for the Westminster weekly e-newsletter for Garden updates:

What we need:

  • Compost

  • Mulch

  • Field stone

  • Creeping thyme

  • Funds for a new fence

  • Funds to complete the retaining wall project