Become a “Ringer” — no experience required!

The Bell groups start up each September and practice every week.  Senior members of the group lead handbell/chime workshops at other churches and within most of the local Dufferin County schools. Also, Mono Amaranth Public School has previously included them in their Arts Day. 

The Bells ring for Westminster United Church as well as the Dufferin County community and beyond. 

Over the years, they have performed at a variety of venues:

The Headwaters Health Care Candy Cane Fair (several times)

Local nursing and senior homes

Special events (including weddings)

Other Churches including the Corbetton Church located at the Dufferin County Museum and Archives

Community Living Dufferin Christmas Show; as well as provided workshops at CLD

The opening of the Alder Recreation Center

Probus Club performances

An Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association (ORMTA) Concert performance at the Rose Theatre

Alton Mill Art Gallery (Visiting Artist)

Casa Loma (Visiting Artist)

The Bells have 5 performance groups:


The Bells of Westminster

Adults (16+) playing 3 octaves of bells and chimes!

Heavenly Metal

Children aged 11 - 16, playing 2 octaves of bells and chimes!

Charming Chimers

Children aged 5 - 10, playing 1 - 2 octaves of chimes!



A quartet who ring and sing!


Barbara Cooper


Practices are on Tuesdays, 5 to 6:30pm, at the church.

Times for 2025 are posted but may change; check with
Shirley Jemmett (below) if you are new to the group.

For more information on any of the Bell choirs, please contact:
Shirley Jemmett at or (519) 940-1364.