Congregational Meeting
Please plan on staying after Sunday worship for an important congregational meeting.
Join us the third Wednesday of each month beginning at 10AM. We meet in the library upstairs at the church. For more information, please contact Jim Lindsay, 519-942-2952. All are welcome!

Men's Fellowship
Dinner is at 6:15 pm.
Remember Ladies! We would love to have you join us at approximately 7:15-7:20 after the dinner to enjoy the speakers. Bring a friend.

Gobble & Gab
We meet for lunch and conversation the first Monday of each month at 12:30pm—but you can show up anytime during lunch.
Where? The Café at the Centre, 375 Hansen Blvd, south of Blind Line.
You are welcome to join us every month or when it is convenient for you. NO OBLIGATION! Just show up; we’d love to spend time with you!

Men's Fellowship
Dinner is at 6:15 pm.
Remember Ladies! We would love to have you join us at approximately 7:15-7:20 after the dinner to enjoy the speakers. Bring a friend.

Directory Picture Day
Our last directory was done in 2017! Much has changed since then and so a new directory is being produced. It is extremely important that all of our church families are included. There is no cost to you and you will receive a copy of the directory as well as a complimentary 8x10 photo as it appears in the directory. Make sure you are signed up for a time slot!

Men's Fellowship
Dinner is at 6:15 pm.
Remember Ladies! We would love to have you join us at approximately 7:15-7:20 after the dinner to enjoy the speakers. Bring a friend.

Men's Fellowship
Dinner is at 6:15 pm.
Remember Ladies! We would love to have you join us at approximately 7:15-7:20 after the dinner to enjoy the speakers. Bring a friend.

Ash Wednesday Service
All are invited to participate in the brief Ash Wednesday service that Aidan will be leading in the sanctuary at 11:30am. Those gathered will share in prayer, in singing, and in reflection, and may choose to be marked with the sign of the cross, made in the ashes of last year’s Palm Sunday fronds.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Join for our Annual Pancake Dinner on Shrove Tuesday, March 4, from 5 to 7 PM. Tickets are $10 for adults, $4 for children ages 5-12; children under 5 are free. Big thanks to Lisa Hare for stepping in as this year’s coordinator.
Tickets will be on sale in the auditorium after Sunday worship; they can also be purchased during office hours, 10AM to 1PM, Monday through Wednesday, until Feb 28. Remaining tickets will be sold at the door on March 4th itself.
Interested in helping out? We would be hugely grateful to anyone who would consider volunteering for any of the following: set-up; kitchen crew; serving in the dining area; clean-up; advertising; and grocery shopping. We also would welcome any loans (or donations) of pancake griddles, or donations of ingredients. If you can help with any of these, please leave a note with the office or see Lisa in the auditorium after worship.
Gobble & Gab
Come to the first meeting of our new social club! We will meet the first Monday of each month beginning March 3rd at 12:30pm—but come when you can for lunch and conversation.
Where? The Café at the Centre, 375 Hansen Blvd, south of Blind Line.
You are welcome to join us every month or when it is convenient for you. NO OBLIGATION! Just show up; we’d love to spend time with you!

Affirming Service & Celebration
Please join us in worship to celebrate our designation as an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada!
The service will be followed by a reception in the auditorium, with pie included as a symbol of our Public, Intentional, and Explicit celebration of our 2SLGBTQ+ members and neighbours.
Men's Fellowship
Dinner for the gentlemen is at 6:15 pm, followed by a guest speaker, whom all are welcome to come hear.
Our special guest this month will be Shirley Hannigan from SHIP (Services and Housing in Province). There was an old motel on 1st Street (north of the Metro Mall) which withstood several reincarnations. Now it is a shining light within our community. What’s going on? Come join us and find out!
Remember Ladies! We would love to have you join us at approximately 7:15-7:20 after the dinner to enjoy the speakers. Bring a friend!

Soul Sisters
Looking forward to seeing everyone! Bring your favorite finger food snack.
Good for the Soul Sisters
Come join the fun! Bring your favourite finger food snack. Room 5 in the Westminster United Church.

Coffee House
UCW fundraiser - $10 per person at the door. Great entertainment is planned.
Men's Fellowship
Dinner is at 6:15 pm.
Remember Ladies! We would love to have you join us at approximately 7:15-7:20 after the dinner to enjoy the speakers. Bring a friend.